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Ina Groenewald

As October month is Breast Cancer Awareness month I wanted this months printable to be something that could help raise awareness and funds for cancer research and breast cancer screenings.

So with the creative design of Monique from DESIGN LOVE, we came up with this stunning Cuppa for CANSA Tea Party printable set. Something to inspire you and help you to host a Cuppa for CANSA and rasie funds to offer free Breast Cancer Screenings for women who cannot afford it or towards Cancer Research in general.

Cuppa for CANSA runs every year from June to 31 October.  I know we are a little bit late with this set, but two weeks is plenty of time to get your girls together for a quick, fun morning or afternoon tea.  You supply the treats and tea and they make a small donation towards CANSA.  Two flies!

And the set will still be here next year, ready to download and print and prettify your tea party.

R10 000 Le Creuset Voucher up for grabs.  If you host a CANSA Tea Party before 31 October your can stand a chance to win a R10 000 Le Creuset voucher!

We would love to share your best Cuppa for CANSA picture on the blog, so please send your 3 best pictures to

Thanks you to DESIGN LOVE once again for the gorgeous designs!

Set includes:

- Glass Coasters

- Paper Placemats

- Invitation

- Water Bottle Label

- Serviette Ring / Name Card

- Cake Topper

- Thank You Gift Tags

​Click on picture below to download.


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